Where do our Passions Fit in with Parenting?
So much to write!
Okay I have my lists that are ready to be checked off, metaphorically and literary. The truth of the matter is that these lists are never really completed. After you take the kids to school, you just have to take them again the next day. Once you feed them, eventually they just want to eat again, and so on and so forth.
However as a mom you feel the need to keep a constant balance of EVERYTHING. So where does writing a book, looking for an agent and keeping your day job going smoothly fit in the mix of EVERYTHING else you have to do? The real answer is it doesn’t really fit anywhere, which leads to more guilt for me as a mother and wife…
Because of that fact, I’ve been living more in my first life than my “writing” life for a while. As anyone could guess when I was writing my first two books my family interactions suffered. I tried to include my kids in the writing process by assigning impromptu writing sessions for them as I poured myself into my story, but there were those many times I locked myself away and only communed with my characters. You can imagine the guilt I felt after my indulgences were finished.
If you're a writer like myself this may help give you some ideas how to live your 2nd life without neglecting your 1st one ---> Click Here!!!
Don’t get me wrong, I’ve still been working on my third installment and blogs, but it’s going a lot slower than I would like. I know what needs to be done. I’m at the mouth of my imagination’s unknown and there’s no other way of coming out the other side than for me to jump in.
Luckily my husband understands and fully support my “writing needs”, making him the most awesome person in my life! However it won’t be long before my kids will start with their puppy dog eyes, tugging on my heart strings. But I have to write and see where my characters will take me. It’s a part of me that I need in order to be whole. I have to remind myself that my needs are just as important as theirs and be okay with the times I take to pursue my own passions.
I think all parents at various times of their parenting career need to remember that their lives matter as well. I know, easier said than done.
What are some of your passions that you wish you had took more time to pursue? C’mon, give yourself a few moments (or more) to think about it. You never know what insights could be life changing!
At any rate, cheers and here’s to all of our dreams and aspirations for our families and ourselves!