The Zombie Apocalypse: A Nice Place to Visit, but No One Wants to Live There...
If anyone could see me right now, with my hair on top of my head and my sloppy shirt and sweats combo, they would think I’ve been through a post-apocalyptic experience. Where I had to be forced to make life and death decisions and deal with the realities of those choices. No, I’m not talking about a new story I’m working on or how I might look after a full- day of writing (even though it’s pretty similar). Now that I think of it, I have many reasons I could look like a zombie: binge reading, binge writing, Netflix... Oh and the reason I’m writing this blog in the first place, video-gaming!
(*Puff out my chest, holding my head up high.) Yes folks, I’m a gamer. To me gaming is just another way to consume a story and I love stories in any way they can be packaged. I even have a nickname given to me BY THE GODS… Okay, I’m being maybe a little dramatic; it was given to me by my family. It’s Spastic Ninja.
I’ve thoroughly earned this title from when I first start a game I have no freaking idea what I’m doing. So, I hop around like a lunatic whenever I get into a confrontation, pressing any button I think would do something, anything. However in my defense my methods usually work. My husband is convinced that I confuse the computer by my spastic ways and by the time the game gets to the harder levels I’ve learned how to constitute my craziness into an artistry that kicks all the butt!
To be honest, I’ve honed my skills for particular types of games, mainly role-playing games. My all-time favorites are interactive role-playing games, like: the Mass Effect series, the Dragon Age series and anything Bioware series! Bioware is the company that makes my game of choice. There are other games, but if I listed them all this would be a very long and boring post indeed.
Back to the reason why I look like such a crazy mess that some people might believe me, if I ran down the street screaming. “The zombie hordes are coming!” (Get it? Like Paul Revere and his “The British are coming!”… I thought it was funny.)
Anywho, the game “The Last of Us” has been my focus of the last two days. It’s about a post-apocalyptic world after a form of fungus-induced zombie infection takes over the world. I played the main character, Joel for most of the game. He’s a smuggler that ends up taking a job smuggling a kid, Ellie, that might be the key to reestablishing humankinds’ stability. As everyone could figure, life isn’t easy after zombies come into the mix. The lack of order doesn’t make many people easy to deal with either.
*Disclaimer* If the only thing you enjoy about gaming is making decisions to see what your line of thought causes (I so love that), then this isn’t the game for you. You’ll have to wait until next year for “Mass Effect 4” (<---Bioware plug inserted there). However, if you love a good storyline with believable characters, look no further. This story knew exactly what heart strings to pull and how to pull at them. I don’t want to tell much more about it. What I did tell you was all I knew about it when I started playing and that only enriched my experience. But I do warn off the people that love rainbows, unicorns and fairy dust this might not be the game for you. Unless you don’t mind substituting fairy dust for zombie inducing pollen spores … Your choice.
I guess it’s time to rejoin my bright reality that seems even brighter than it did two days ago. But first I should do my hair, yeah let me do that first. Happy Wednesday everyone!